

Kad se pogubim i ne znam kako bih dalje, onda nazovem Jelenu. Kada posustanem onda idem Jeleni, kažem treba mi energije.
Jelena je moja prijateljica, moja savjetnica i moje „beleiving eyes“ – oči koje vjeruju. Ona vidi ono što ja jesam kada ja to ne vidim, ona mi omogućava pristup novim prostranstvima; najljepšim i najmoćnijim verzijama mene same; ona zna da ja mogu ono što ja sama ne znam ili ne vjerujem da mogu; ona je čuvarica mojih najboljih kvantnih verzija.
Obično prethodi dug razgovor jer smo prijateljice, onaj dio kada krenemo raditi se može mjeriti u minutama. To može izgledati tako da ja stojim ili se istežem a ona drži ruke na nekom dijelu mog tijela, recimo kao u Quantum Touch-u ili nekom od oblika energetskog rada koje smo svi vidjeli na televiziji. No zapravo Jelena ne mora ništa raditi a da pritom utječe na mene, jer njezina prisutnost je iscjeljujuća.
A što zapravo mislim pod tim?
Meni to znači da mi ona drži prostor u kojem se pogubljeni dijelovi moje duše vraćaju kući. Treba mi da mi netko drži taj prostor ili da mi pomogne proširiti i otvoriti prostor u kojem ja mogu postojati u svom najboljem i najšarenijem obliku. To Jelena meni omogućava; svatko bi trebao imati svoju Jelenu, a pogotovu osobe koji se i same bave nekim oblikom pomaganja kao što sam ja.
Hvala ti draga, osjećam se silno privilegiranom što si dio mog života.
Marina Katarina Grgić
Integrativni psiho - energoterapeut, Certified Energy Coach

jelena korenčić
Ukoliko i vi želite session iscjeljivanja, coaching ili želite i vi naučiti Quantum Touch, slobodno me nazovite.

Najbolje vrijeme za iscjeljivenje je odmah, sada!

Sessioni iscjeljivanja

Dear Jelena,
You never cease to amaze me.You cut through layers of pain and hurts so quickly. Before I even noticed, everything changed and pain compltely disappeared!!! Thank you for bringing light a on such a sensitive topic and helping me to gain new, different perspective. Huge change. Now I feel my body way better, stronger, more flexible. What a profoundly deep and powerful experience. See you soon :)

Sve je odjednom tako lako i jednostavno. Uvjerljivo odagnaš svaku sumnju i nesigurnost. Pomažeš mi da proširim svoje spoznaje na lak način, u par riječi skineš teret s mojih leđa, jednostavno, direktno i otvoreno. Sviđa mi se to što nema naprezanja i ništa se ne mora. Hvala.
Diana, Zagreb

Dear Jelena,
This is the most wonderful thing you could have done for me and my husband.
Your generosity in specially creating a magnificient entity to help us in our time of need has me so touched and emotioned that it brought me tears. You are also bringing me back hope. I know that these sessions will help him win against the odds and sustain him with the life force he needs to heal and fully recover.
After the session I still felt a lot of energy in the top of my head and a flush in my face, and right now I can feel a lot of vibrations in my neck, upper torso and arms, and the palms of my hands have the same heat that they get from session. Also, I am waiting eagerly for the healing mass event that you are organizing tomorrow.
Dearest Jelena, you have the hands of a healer, but most importantly of all, you have the heart of a true healer.
I will never forget what you did for us. You are in my heart forever. You are a true friend and a sister.
I thank you with all my heart and soul.
With infinite love, gratitude and admiration.

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate who you are and all you do.
I gain so much from your wisdom, insights and sharing and I am very grateful. I love you muchly.
Sweet hugs,
Chrissie, USA

What an amazing nite for me!!
I thank you for the patience and love I felt as you guided me through the the process of finding the core spot. You are an amazing teacher!! Helping me find the core spot enabled me to let go of the grief of a friends passing. For that gift I am very grateful.
I know I will take this gift and use it in many aspects of my life.
Again, thank you, for the gift.
I look forward to doing this again with you.
Gerry, Ontario, Canada

First I would like to give a little background about myself. I have been trying to practise Quantum Touch for over a year. I have had limited success with advanced energy work but the greatest hurdle I face in the realization of satisfying success is my self-doubt. Am I doing it right? Am I following the technique properly?
With this mindset I approached Jelena to guide me to locate Core point, which is central to Quantum Touch Core Transformation work. This requires that the teacher/instructor should be able to sense and see energy so that they can guide the student accurately.
Jelena was not only able to see energy as she guided me through the process over internet, but she was also able to detect my insecurity and my trying too hard to find the point, which was resulting in buildup of tension in my crown area. She very graciously allowed me to practise some of the techniques on her without specifying any body part because, according to her, I should allow my intuition to guide me. As I felt doubt creeping in, she immediately picked it up as tension in the area I was working on.
When I used another technique, she could feel the area opening up immensely. Thanks to her prompt feedback I feel confident. Best of all she gave me an easy-to-do tip to find Core point.
Needless to say, I look forward to being her student again.
Samia, Pakistan

Jelena mi se sviđa jer je opuštena, topla, direktna. Ima dobar humor i zabavne komentare. Upute su jednostavne, jasne i efikasne. Svidjelo mi se kad je rekla da je od svake tehnike važnije kako se osjećam.
Polona, Ljubljana

Quantum Touch®


Iscjeljivanje za Vas

Jelena Korenčić